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Options can be passed to Babel in a variety of ways. When passed directly to Babel, you can just pass the options object. When Babel is used via a wrapper, it may also be necessary, or at least more useful, to pass the options via configuration files.

If passing options via @babel/cli you'll need to kebab-case the names. i.e.

npx babel --root-mode upward file.js # equivalent of passing the rootMode config option

Primary options

These options are only allowed as part of Babel's programmatic options, so they are primarily for use by tools that wrap around Babel, or people calling babel.transform directly. Users of Babel's integrations, like babel-loader or @babel/register are unlikely to use these.


Type: string
Default: process.cwd()

The working directory that all paths in the programmatic options will be resolved relative to.


Type: An object with the shape of

interface CallerData {
name: string;
supportsStaticESM?: boolean;
supportsDynamicImport?: boolean;
supportsTopLevelAwait?: boolean;
supportsExportNamespaceFrom?: boolean;
v7.11.0Add supportsExportNamespaceFrom
v7.7.0Add supportsTopLevelAwait
v7.5.0Add supportsDynamicImport

Utilities may pass a caller object to identify themselves to Babel and pass capability-related flags for use by configs, presets and plugins. For example

babel.transformFileSync("example.js", {
caller: {
name: "my-custom-tool",
supportsStaticESM: true,

would allow plugins and presets to decide that, since ES modules are supported, they will skip compilation of ES modules into CommonJS modules.


Type: string

The filename associated with the code currently being compiled, if there is one. The filename is optional, but not all of Babel's functionality is available when the filename is unknown, because a subset of options rely on the filename for their functionality.

The three primary cases users could run into are:

  • The filename is exposed to plugins. Some plugins may require the presence of the filename.
  • Options like "test", "exclude", and "ignore" require the filename for string/RegExp matching.
  • .babelrc.json or .babelrc files are loaded relative to the file being compiled. If this option is omitted, Babel will behave as if babelrc: false has been set.


Type: string
Default: path.relative(opts.cwd, opts.filename) (if "filename" was passed)

Used as the default value for Babel's sourceFileName option, and used as part of generation of filenames for the AMD / UMD / SystemJS module transforms.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Babel's default return value includes code and map properties with the resulting generated code. In some contexts where multiple calls to Babel are being made, it can be helpful to disable code generation and instead use ast: true to get the AST directly in order to avoid doing unnecessary work.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Babel's default is to generate a string and a sourcemap, but in some contexts it can be useful to get the AST itself. The primary use case for this would be a chain of multiple transform passes, along the lines of

const filename = "example.js";
const source = fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8");

// Load and compile file normally, but skip code generation.
const { ast } = babel.transformSync(source, {
ast: true,
code: false,

// Minify the file in a second pass and generate the output code here.
const { code, map } = babel.transformFromAstSync(ast, source, {
presets: ["minify"],
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,

Note: This option is not on by default because the majority of users won't need it and because we'd like to eventually add a caching layer to Babel. Having to cache the AST structure will take significantly more space.


Type: boolean
Default: true
Added in v7.11.0

By default babel.transformFromAst will clone the input AST to avoid mutations. Specifying cloneInputAst: false can improve parsing performance if the input AST is not used elsewhere.

Config Loading options

Loading configuration can get a little complex as environments can have several types of configuration files, and those configuration files can have various nested configuration objects that apply depending on the configuration.


Type: string
Default: opts.cwd
Placement: Only allowed in Babel's programmatic options

The initial path that will be processed based on the "rootMode" to determine the conceptual root folder for the current Babel project. This is used in two primary cases:


Type: "root" | "upward" | "upward-optional"
Default: "root"
Placement: Only allowed in Babel's programmatic options
Added in: v7.1.0

This option, combined with the "root" value, defines how Babel chooses its project root. The different modes define different ways that Babel can process the "root" value to get the final project root.

Note: babel.config.json is supported from Babel 7.8.0. In older Babel 7 versions, only babel.config.js is supported.

"root" is the default mode because it avoids the risk that Babel will accidentally load a babel.config.json that is entirely outside of the current project folder. If you use "upward-optional", be aware that it will walk up the directory structure all the way to the filesystem root, and it is always possible that someone will have a forgotten babel.config.json in their home directory, which could cause unexpected errors in your builds.

Users with monorepo project structures that run builds/tests on a per-package basis may well want to use "upward" since monorepos often have a babel.config.json in the project root. Running Babel in a monorepo subdirectory without "upward", will cause Babel to skip loading any babel.config.json files in the project root, which can lead to unexpected errors and compilation failure.


Type: string
Default: process.env.BABEL_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"
Placement: Only allowed in Babel's programmatic options

The current active environment used during configuration loading. This value is used as the key when resolving "env" configs, and is also available inside configuration functions, plugins, and presets, via the api.env() function.


Type: string | boolean
Default: path.resolve(opts.root, "babel.config.json"), if it exists, false otherwise
Placement: Only allowed in Babel's programmatic options

Defaults to searching for a default babel.config.json file, but can be passed the path of any JS or JSON5 config file.

NOTE: This option does not affect loading of .babelrc.json files, so while it may be tempting to do configFile: "./foo/.babelrc.json", it is not recommended. If the given .babelrc.json is loaded via the standard file-relative logic, you'll end up loading the same config file twice, merging it with itself. If you are linking a specific config file, it is recommended to stick with a naming scheme that is independent of the "babelrc" name.


Type: boolean
Default: true as long as the filename option has been specified
Placement: Allowed in Babel's programmatic options, or inside of the loaded "configFile". A programmatic option will override a config file one.

true will enable searching for configuration files and the legacy .babelignore file relative to the "filename" provided to Babel.

A babelrc value passed in the programmatic options will override one set within a configuration file.

Note: .babelrc.json files are only loaded if the current "filename" is inside of a package that matches one of the "babelrcRoots" packages.


Type: boolean | MatchPattern | Array<MatchPattern>
Default: opts.root
Placement: Allowed in Babel's programmatic options, or inside of the loaded configFile. A programmatic option will override a config file one.

By default, Babel will only search for .babelrc.json files within the "root" package because otherwise Babel cannot know if a given .babelrc.json is meant to be loaded, or if it's "plugins" and "presets" have even been installed, since the file being compiled could be inside node_modules, or have been symlinked into the project.

This option allows users to provide a list of other packages that should be considered "root" packages when considering whether to load .babelrc.json files.

For example, a monorepo setup that wishes to allow individual packages to have their own configs might want to do

babelrcRoots: [
// Keep the root as a root

// Also consider monorepo packages "root" and load their .babelrc.json files.

Plugin and Preset options


Type: Array<PluginEntry | Plugin> (PluginEntry)
Default: []

An array of plugins to activate when processing this file. For more information on how individual entries interact, especially when used across multiple nested "env" and "overrides" configs, see merging.

Note: The option also allows Plugin instances from Babel itself, but using these directly is not recommended. If you need to create a persistent representation of a plugin or preset, you should use babel.createConfigItem().


Type: Array<PresetEntry> (PresetEntry)
Default: []

An array of presets to activate when processing this file. For more information on how individual entries interact, especially when used across multiple nested "env" and "overrides" configs, see merging.

Note: The format of presets is identical to plugins, except for the fact that name normalization expects "preset-" instead of "plugin-", and presets cannot be instances of Plugin.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Status: Deprecated

Instructs Babel to run each of the presets in the presets array as an independent pass. This option tends to introduce a lot of confusion around the exact ordering of plugins, but can be useful if you absolutely need to run a set of operations as independent compilation passes.

Note: This option may be removed in future Babel versions as we add better support for defining ordering between plugins.

Output targets


Type: string | Array<string> | { [string]: string }
Default: {}
Placement: Allowed in Babel's programmatic options, or in config files
Added in: v7.13.0

v7.20.0Support deno target
v7.15.0Support rhino target

Describes the environments you support/target for your project.

This can either be a browserslist-compatible query (with caveats):

"targets": "> 0.25%, not dead"

Or an object of minimum environment versions to support:

"targets": {
"chrome": "58",
"ie": "11"

Supported environments: android, chrome, deno, edge, electron, firefox, ie, ios, node, opera, rhino, safari, samsung.

If a minor version is not specified, Babel will interpret it as MAJOR.0. For example, "node": 12 will be considered as Node.js 12.0.

No targets

When no targets are specified: Babel will assume you are using the browserslist defaults query, which covers most modern browsers. If you want to support legacy browsers, specify the targets option.


Type: boolean

You may also target browsers supporting ES Modules. When the esmodules target is specified, it will intersect with the browsers target and browserslist's targets. You can use this approach in combination with <script type="module"></script> to conditionally serve smaller scripts to users (

When specifying both browsers and the esmodules target, they will be intersected.
"targets": {
"esmodules": true


Type: string | "current" | true.

If you want to compile against the current node version, you can specify "node": true or "node": "current", which would be the same as "node": process.versions.node.

Alternatively, you can specify the node version in a browserslist query:

"targets": "node 12" // not recommended

In this case, browserslist will resolve it to the latest version available in the node-releases library. Because Node.js may support new language features in minor releases, a program generated for Node.js 12.22 may throw a syntax error on Node.js 12.0. We recommend that you always specify a minor version when using node queries with browserslist:

"targets": "node 12.0"


Type: string | "tp".

If you want to compile against the technology preview version of Safari, you can specify "safari": "tp".


Type: string | Array<string>.

A query to select browsers (ex: last 2 versions, > 5%, safari tp) using browserslist.

Note, browsers' results are overridden by explicit items from targets.


Type: string.

The minimum supported version is 1.0.

"targets": {
"deno": "1.9"


Type: boolean
Default: true
Placement: Allowed in Babel's programmatic options, or in config files
Added in: v7.13.0

Toggles whether or not browserslist config sources are used, which includes searching for any browserslist files or referencing the browserslist key inside package.json. This is useful for projects that use a browserslist config for files that won't be compiled with Babel.

If a string is specified, it must represent the path of a browserslist configuration file. Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file which specifies this option, or to cwd when it's passed as part of the programmatic options.


Type: string
Default: undefined
Placement: Allowed in Babel's programmatic options, or in config files
Added in: v7.13.0

The Browserslist environment to use.

Config Merging options


Type: string
Placement: Not allowed inside of presets

Configs may "extend" other configuration files. Config fields in the current config will be merged on top of the extended file's configuration.


Type: { [envKey: string]: Options }
Placement: May not be nested inside of another env block.

Allows for entire nested configuration options that will only be enabled if the envKey matches the envName option.

Note: env[envKey] options will be merged on top of the options specified in the root object.


Type: Array<Options>
Placement: May not be nested inside of another overrides object, or within an env block.

Allows users to provide an array of options that will be merged into the current configuration one at a time. This feature is best used alongside the "test"/"include"/"exclude" options to provide conditions for which an override should apply. For example:

overrides: [{
test: "./vendor/large.min.js",
compact: true,

could be used to enable the compact option for one specific file that is known to be large and minified, and tell Babel not to bother trying to print the file nicely.


Type: MatchPattern | Array<MatchPattern> (MatchPattern)

If all patterns fail to match, the current configuration object is considered inactive and is ignored during config processing. This option is most useful when used within an overrides option object, but it's allowed anywhere.

Note: These toggles do not affect the programmatic and config-loading options in earlier sections, since they are taken into account long before the configuration that is prepared for merging.


Type: MatchPattern | Array<MatchPattern> (MatchPattern)

This option is a synonym for "test".


Type: MatchPattern | Array<MatchPattern> (MatchPattern)

If any of patterns match, the current configuration object is considered inactive and is ignored during config processing. This option is most useful when used within an overrides option object, but it's allowed anywhere.

Note: These toggles do not affect the programmatic and config-loading options in earlier sections, since they are taken into account long before the configuration that is prepared for merging.


Type: Array<MatchPattern> (MatchPattern)
Placement: Not allowed inside of presets

If any of the patterns match, Babel will immediately stop all processing of the current build. For example, a user may want to do something like

ignore: ["./lib"];

to explicitly disable Babel compilation of files inside the lib directory.

Note: This option disables all Babel processing of a file. While that has its uses, it is also worth considering the "exclude" option as a less aggressive alternative.


Type: Array<MatchPattern> (MatchPattern)
Placement: Not allowed inside of presets

If all of the patterns fail to match, Babel will immediately stop all processing of the current build. For example, a user may want to do something like

only: ["./src"];

to explicitly enable Babel compilation of files inside the src directory while disabling everything else.

Note: This option disables all Babel processing of a file. While that has its uses, it is also worth considering the "test"/"include" options as a less aggressive alternative.

Source Map options


Type: boolean | SourceMap
Default: true

true will attempt to load an input sourcemap from the file itself, if it contains a //# sourceMappingURL=... comment. If no map is found, or the map fails to load and parse, it will be silently discarded.

If an object is provided, it will be treated as the source map object itself.


Type: boolean | "inline" | "both"
Default: false

  • true to generate a sourcemap for the code and include it in the result object.
  • "inline" to generate a sourcemap and append it as a data URL to the end of the code, but not include it in the result object.
  • "both" is the same as inline, but will include the map in the result object.

Options in configuration files have no effect on whether @babel/cli writes files separate .map files to disk. When the --source-maps CLI option is passed to @babel/cli it will also control whether .map files are written:

  • true will write the map to a .map file on disk
  • "inline" will write the file directly, so it will have a data: containing the map
  • "both" will write the file with a data: URL and also a .map.

Note: These options are bit weird, so it may make the most sense to just use true and handle the rest in your own code, depending on your use case.


This is an synonym for sourceMaps. Using sourceMaps is recommended.


Type: string
Default: path.basename(opts.filenameRelative) when available, or "unknown"

The name to use for the file inside the source map object.


Type: string

The sourceRoot fields to set in the generated source map, if one is desired.

Misc options


Type: "script" | "module" | "unambiguous"
Default: "module"

  • "script" - Parse the file using the ECMAScript Script grammar. No import/export statements allowed, and files are not in strict mode.
  • "module" - Parse the file using the ECMAScript Module grammar. Files are automatically strict, and import/export statements are allowed.
  • "unambiguous" - Consider the file a "module" if import/export statements are present, or else consider it a "script".

unambiguous can be quite useful in contexts where the type is unknown, but it can lead to false matches because it's perfectly valid to have a module file that does not use import/export statements.

This option is important because the type of the current file affects both parsing of input files, and certain transforms that may wish to add import/require usage to the current file.

For instance, @babel/plugin-transform-runtime relies on the type of the current document to decide whether to insert an import declaration, or a require() call. @babel/preset-env also does the same for its "useBuiltIns" option. Since Babel defaults to treating files are ES modules, generally these plugins/presets will insert import statements. Setting the correct sourceType can be important because having the wrong type can lead to cases where Babel would insert import statements into files that are meant to be CommonJS files. This can be particularly important in projects where compilation of node_modules dependencies is being performed, because inserting an import statements can cause Webpack and other tooling to see a file as an ES module, breaking what would otherwise be a functional CommonJS file.

Note: This option will not affect parsing of .mjs files, as they are currently hard-coded to always parse as "module" files.


Type: { [assumption: string]: boolean }
Default: {}
Added in: v7.13.0
Placement: Allowed in programmatic options, config files and presets.

Set assumptions that Babel can make in order to produce smaller output:

"assumptions": {
"iterableIsArray": true
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]

For more informations, check the assumptions documentation page.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Highlight tokens in code snippets in Babel's error messages to make them easier to read.


Type: (key: string, nodeType: string, fn: Function) => Function

Allows users to add a wrapper on each visitor in order to inspect the visitor process as Babel executes the plugins.

  • key is a simple opaque string that represents the plugin being executed.
  • nodeType is the type of AST node currently being visited.
  • fn is the visitor function itself.

Users can return a replacement function that should call the original function after performing whatever logging and analysis they wish to do.


Type: {}

An opaque object containing options to pass through to the parser being used.

For available parser options, see Parser Options.


Type: {}

An opaque object containing options to pass through to the code generator being used. See Code Generator Options for most used options.

Code Generator options


Type: boolean
Default: false

Babel will make an effort to generate code such that items are printed on the same line that they were on in the original file. This option exists so that users who cannot use source maps can get vaguely useful error line numbers, but it is only a best-effort, and is not guaranteed in all cases with all plugins.


Type: boolean | "auto"
Default: "auto"

"auto" will set the value by evaluating code.length > 500_000

All optional newlines and whitespace will be omitted when generating code in compact mode.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Includes compact: true, omits block-end semicolons, omits () from new Foo() when possible, and may output shorter versions of literals.


Type: string

Allows specifying a prefix comment to insert before pieces of code that were not present in the original file.

Note: The definition of what is and isn't present in the original file can get a little ugly, so usage of this option is not recommended. If you need to annotate code somehow, it is better to do so using a Babel plugin.


Type: string

Allows specifying a prefix comment to insert after pieces of code that were not present in the original file.

Note: The definition of what is and isn't present in the original file can get a little ugly, so usage of this option is not recommended. If you need to annotate code somehow, it is better to do so using a Babel plugin.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Provides a default comment state for shouldPrintComment if no function is given. See the default value of that option for more info.


Type: (value: string) => boolean
Default without minified: (val) => opts.comments || /@license|@preserve/.test(val)
Default with minified: () => opts.comments

A function that can decide whether a given comment should be included in the output code from Babel.

Advanced Usage

For more code generator options, see Generator Options.

AMD / UMD / SystemJS module options


Type: boolean
Default: !!opts.moduleId

Enables module ID generation.


Type: string

A hard-coded ID to use for the module. Cannot be used alongside getModuleId.


Type: (name: string) => string

Given the babel-generated module name, return the name to use. Returning a falsy value will use the original name.


Type: string

A root path to include on generated module names.

Options Concepts


Type: string | RegExp | (filename: string | void, context: { caller: { name: string } | void, envName: string, dirname: string ) => boolean

Several Babel options perform tests against file paths. In general, these options support a common pattern approach where each pattern can be

  • string - A file path with simple support for * and ** as full slug matches. Any file or parent folder matching the pattern counts as a match. The path follow's Node's normal path logic, so on POSIX is must be /-separated, but on Windows both / and \ are supported.
  • RegExp - A regular expression to match against the normalized filename. On POSIX the path RegExp will run against a /-separated path, and on Windows it will be on a \-separated path.

Importantly, if either of these are used, Babel requires that the filename option be present, and will consider it an error otherwise.

  • (filename: string | void, context: { caller: { name: string } | void, envName: string, dirname: string }) => boolean is a general callback that should return a boolean to indicate whether it is a match or not. The function is passed the filename or undefined if one was not given to Babel. It is also passed the current envName and caller options that were specified by the top-level call to Babel and dirname that is either a directory of the configuration file or the current working directory (if the transformation was called programmatically).


Please refer to How Babel merges config items.

Plugin/Preset entries

PluginEntry / PresetEntry

Individual plugin/preset items can have several different structures:

  • EntryTarget - Individual plugin
  • [EntryTarget, EntryOptions] - Individual plugin w/ options
  • [EntryTarget, EntryOptions, string] - Individual plugin with options and name (see merging for more info on names)
  • ConfigItem - A plugin configuration item created by babel.createConfigItem().

The same EntryTarget may be used multiple times unless each one is given a different name, and doing so will result in a duplicate-plugin/preset error.

That can be a little hard to read, so as an example:

plugins: [
// EntryTarget

// [EntryTarget, EntryOptions]
['@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions', { spec: true }],

// [EntryTarget, EntryOptions, string]
['@babel/plugin-transform-for-of', { loose: true }, "some-name"],

// ConfigItem


Type: string | {} | Function

A plugin/preset target can come from a few different sources:

  • string - A require-style path or plugin/preset identifier. Identifiers will be passed through name normalization.
  • {} | Function - An actual plugin/preset object or function after it has been require()ed.


Type: undefined | {} | false

Options are passed through to each plugin/preset when they are executed. undefined will be normalized to an empty object.

false indicates that an entry is entirely disabled. This can be useful in contexts where ordering is important, but a separate condition is needed to decide if something is enabled. For instance:

plugins: [
['two', false],
overrides: [{
test: "./src",
plugins: [

would enable the two plugin for files in src, but two would still execute between one and three.

Name Normalization

By default, Babel expects plugins to have a babel-plugin- or babel-preset- prefix in their name. To avoid repetition, Babel has a name normalization phase will automatically add these prefixes when loading items. This boils down to a few primary rules:

  • Absolute paths pass through untouched.
  • Relative paths starting with ./ pass through untouched.
  • References to files within a package are untouched.
  • Any identifier prefixed with module: will have the prefix removed but otherwise be untouched.
  • plugin-/preset- will be injected at the start of any @babel-scoped package that doesn't have it as a prefix.
  • babel-plugin-/babel-preset- will be injected as a prefix any unscoped package that doesn't have it as a prefix.
  • babel-plugin-/babel-preset- will be injected as a prefix any @-scoped package that doesn't have it anywhere in their name.
  • babel-plugin/babel-preset will be injected as the package name if only the @-scope name is given.

Here are some examples, when applied in a plugin context:
